Friday, June 24, 2011

Bad Choice

So about a week ago, at around 2 in the morning, I was sitting on the couch trying to figure out what to do with  myself. I had just had a lovely time with some old friends and I was trying to prolong the feelings. So instead of going to bed like I should have, I started flipping through the channel guide. Nothing much was on, and I had just about settled on watching "Law & Order: UK" when the name Glenn Beck catches my eye. I've always been very against FOX News and its paid constituents--and by "against" I mean "fiercely detest"--seeing them as illogical, disreputable, and, frankly, absurd. However, I admit, I'd only ever seen quick soundbites of any of their programs. Being the most familiar with Beck's name, and feeling very charitable (read: insane), I turned to that channel.
I instantly realize he's talking about sustainable development. "Perfect!" I thought. "Something I know at least a little bit about! Let's see what he has to say. It can't be that ridiculous." I was wrong. I made it through about 15 minutes before I shut the TV off with a huff of disdain and dragged myself up to bed, all the while mentally slapping myself for letting myself be drawn in with feelings of good will.
Writing this now, I'm getting a little worked up again, but honestly, even after having a week to ponder the show, I still only have a very fuzzy idea of what he was getting at. He mentioned a UN initiative, I think, to increase sustainable development, and quoted several sources as saying that the real power to help fix our planet and the livelihoods of our people is contained at the local level-so it's a basic outline for a grassroots initiative. Pretty logical idea, in my opinion, and I'm sure many people would agree with me. The majority of our planet's people are not in the government, therefore most of the manpower that would have to be behind a global movement for fixing our current climate crisis and and enacting real change of any sort would have to start at the local level--at least, that's what I think. However, according to Glenn, this is just some secret socialist plan to do...something? He never really made that clear, although he did throw around the word "socialist" several more times, and I also heard "communist" quite frequently as well, always linked to some evil left-wing agenda. Apparently when you hear the term "social justice" red flags should also be raised. (Wait, isn't the color red linked to Communism? That's out, then. White maybe? But that signals defeat. Hmmm... How about brown for I'm a douche?) When I think of social justice, I think of helping those in need, basic civil rights, providing for our people, things like that. defines it as "the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society". So essentially, equal rights. I don't really see how this could be considered a crazy radical idea, or create some hellish dystopia where it's OK to eat human flesh and fling baby seals hundreds of feet through the air using catapults (my interpretation, not Glenn Beck's actual least I don't think...). And Mr. Beck never really explained why "social justice" is supposed to be a buzz word either... But there you go.
Another thing that really disturbed me was a moment in which he was doing his impression of a local governmental leader and his knowledge of the aforementioned sustainable development initiative. According to Glenn, they'll either have no knowledge of it, or have no idea what the hell is going on and generally act like bumbling idiots. he was so pretentious and rude and all around douchey about it. Not cool. The whole thing was kind of hazy in terms of an argument, and juvenile in terms of delivery and presentation of evidence. Underneath the flippant attitude and those stupid magnets on his weirdo chalkboard, there was no real substance.
Our friend Glenn did leave us (or rather, I left him when he started in on this BS) with one nugget that's worth mentioning here. There is still hope in the midst of all this despair, a light at the end of the tunnel that can't be turned off, even if you can't afford to pay your electricity bill. And what is it, you ask? Well, it's that God has a plan for us, of course!
Do you know how much this like of logic pisses me off? SO VERY MUCH! Because there's no real arguing with it. It's just a fucking cop-out because he can't think of any legitimate solutions to the problems he's fabricated. If you're gonna fake news, at least do it well.
Also, that night, I had weird dreams about a zombie apocalypse and my brother going alligator wrestling with his dad instead of going to my birthday dinner. Coincidence? I think not...

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